Aure Prochazka

15 Feb: Office Hours Recap #6 & 7: Sequencer Issues, AVAudioSession, and More

AudioKit Office Hours 7: Matt Howell presents Sequencer issues and potential fixes. The founder of AudioKit, Aure Prochazka, is hosting weekly office hours where he’s doing…

05 Feb: AudioKit Office Hours Recap #5: Making Dynamic Oscillators Thread Safe

Office Hours #5 covered making dynamic oscillators thread safe. You can find all the office hours recorded on Aure’s Youtube channel. Aure Prochazka, founder of AudioKit,…

29 Jan: AudioKit Office Hours Recap of #4: Cookbook Additions & Thread Safety

Office Hours #4 featured new additions to the AudioKit CookBook and special guest appearance by Taylor Holliday, creator of Audulus (video above). Aure Prochazka, founder of AudioKit,…