Office Hours Recap #6 & 7: Sequencer Issues, AVAudioSession, and More

AudioKit Office Hours 7: Matt Howell presents Sequencer issues and potential fixes.

The founder of AudioKit, Aure Prochazka, is hosting weekly office hours where he’s doing unrehearsed, unscripted coding sessions on various AudioKit and audio programming topics. You can find all the office hours here.

Watch, attend, learn, interact, and talk about music app development!

Since Office Hours is a live stream via Zoom anyone can join and participate and even suggest topics to cover in the coming weeks.

Office Hours #6: Some AVAudioSession, Some Thread Safety Code Review, Some AUv3 Discussions

Office hours will be every SATURday,
7pm PST / 10pm EST time.

Sessions are currently free for everyone to attend.
Use this Zoom Link to attend.

Follow Aure on Twitter for the latest Office Hours details.
See you every Saturday!

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