AudioKit Office Hours Announced! Learn to make apps…

In 2021, Aure Prochazka (founder of AudioKit) is hosting weekly office hours with unrehearsed, unscripted coding sessions on various AudioKit topics. Each session is recorded and uploaded afterward; viewers interested in the full schedule or accessing past sessions can find more information here on AudioKit’s official page. In the video above, he built a metronome using physically modeled shaker sounds.

Office hours will be every SATURday,
7pm PST / 10pm EST time.

Sessions are currently free for everyone to attend.
Use this Zoom Link to attend.
Watch, attend, learn, interact, and talk about music app development!

Since Office Hours is a live stream via Zoom anyone can join and participate and even suggest topics to cover in the coming weeks.

The code he developed in episode 2 is essentially the core to the AudioKit Hey Metronome app, but with AudioKit 5 as its base. Github: Code from Office Hours 2

And if you missed episode 1, it’s below:

Skip 17 minutes into the video to bypass all the messing around with computer audio.

Follow Aure on Twitter for the latest details about Office Hours:

View all the past Office Hours here

See you on Saturday!

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Comments (2)

Really good stuff guys. I think the “Mistakes-and-all” format is actually a lot easier to understand than something edited and polished. I’ll be continuing to watch this.

Totally interested, but an open zoom room is pretty subject to bombing.

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