Spatial Symphony for Vision Pro, Built with AudioKit

Guess what? Over the past few months, the AudioKit team has been hanging out at Apple HQ, getting up close and personal with the Vision Pro. We’ve got some juicy details to share with you about that adventure soon. And, there are apps in the pipeline too!

In the meantime, coding educator Paul Hudson, of Hacking with Swift fame, has created Spatial Symphony, a new synthesizer for the Vision Pro that’s controlled by your hand movements.

“Honestly, using AudioKit feels like cheating, and I’m immensely grateful to the team for their work.”
– Paul Hudson, Hacking with Swift

It’s like conducting your own orchestra in the air!

The idea behind Spatial Symphony was brilliantly simple: whip up a theremin for the Apple Vision Pro. If you’re not familiar, a theremin is that cool instrument you play without touching, just by waving your hands around. Perfect match for Vision Pro’s new hand-tracking features, right?

Once Paul dove into AudioKit, he decided to turn the app into a full-fledged Synthesizer! You can read all about his experience building the app here.

Inspired to create something yourself? If you’re dreaming of creating your own musical instrument for iOS or Vision Pro, hang tight. Paul’s also putting together a free AudioKit tutorial. More on that soon, so stay tuned!

Learn more about the new app and the making of it here:
Shipping a visionOS Synth app.

Got a Vision Pro? The app is a free download:

NOTE: Requires Vision Pro hardware

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