AudioKit core-team member Cem Olcay has created a plethora of awesome apps and code examples over the years. His latest app ArpBud is a powerful iOS MIDI Sequencer & Arpeggiator.
And, it’s proudly built with AudioKit.
ArpBud is a tool designed for easily creating arpeggios and sequences.
It has two main sequencers: There’s an interval sequencer. Plus, there’s a pitch sequencer. Both have an unlimited number of steps for each.
ArpBud allows you to set the pitch bend, modulation, and portamento MIDI CC (Control Change) values for each interval sequencer step. Plus, you can set the rate, volume and loop count for each pitch sequencer step. That’s really nice for giving sequences life and movement in your music.
ArpBud also supports Audiobus MIDI, IAA, and Ableton Link to fit into your current workflow.
Here’s a really cool bonus feature: You can export your projects as MIDI files if you want to use them later in other apps, or in your favorite desktop DAW.
ArpBud is universal and available for both iPhone & iPad.
You can visit the ArpBud website to get the full scoop.
Cem’s Code:
Here’s a sampling of some of his past code you may want to explore.
Customisable and editable timetable grid for showing midi or audio related data with a measure.
A music theory library with NoteInterval, Scale and Chord representations in swift enums.
MIDI Sequencer built on the AudioKit Sequencer that sends MIDI events to other apps.
Customizable guitar fretboard view for iOS, tvOS and macOS with CoreGraphics.
Circle Of Fiths:
Fully customizable IBDesignable circle of fifths implementation.
You can see a full list of his Github repos here:
Don’t forget to support Cem’s work! Download ArpBud now on iTunes: