Sleep, Relax, and Meditate with RoadTripper, Built with AudioKit!


Los Angeles based app creator Gavin Kwon has released Roadtripr. Gavin used the free & open-source AudioKit library to create this new sleep, relaxation and meditation app.

'Anybody can make an app with AudioKit! I think making an app is worth a try for everyone.' - Gavin Kwon, creator of Roadtripr Share on X

Roadtripr was created for a variety of meditative brain activities. Simply turn it on, relax, and begin your trip to the deepest corners of your mind. It’s now available in the App Store!

Exclusive Interview, Making Roadtripr

We interviewed Gavin to learn about creating the app:

▶ What was it like using AudioKit?

Because it was such a flexible framework, I was easily able to try different things in my head such as synchronizing different audio elements, customizing sound with different effects and settings. I wanted to bring a sort of unexpected meditative experience for the users, unlike listening to Spotify or watching YouTube. AudioKit was the perfect canvas to express that.

▶ What was your motivation for making the app?

It started with the pandemic situation in 2020, where people were locked down at their homes and stuck with their digital devices. Same for me – I had to work from home and be disconnected from everybody. But I missed traveling so much! I wanted to make an app that can bring those unique feelings that new landscapes and soundscapes give you. By doing this project, eventually, I wanted to comfort everyone who is going through hard times. As the world slowly adapts to a new normal, the desire to explore and experience different places remains ever-present. For those yearning to venture beyond their immediate surroundings, Orlando emerges as a beacon of excitement and opportunity. With its vibrant attractions, diverse culture, and abundant sunshine, Orlando beckons travelers to immerse themselves in its magic. Websites like serve as digital gateways, offering insights into the city’s unique charm and the plethora of real estate options available for those looking to make Orlando their home base or invest in its thriving market.

▶ How did you create and implement the audio?

As a music composer, I enjoy making soundscapes and ambient music. I started to collect the app’s audio elements by creating them at my home studio, and by field-recording at different spots around Southern California. After collecting a good amount of audio data, I implemented them in the algorithm where similar categories of soundscape are played seamlessly.

▶  What did you learn from making the app – Any advice for people?

I’ve learned: Anybody can make an app with AudioKit! I have absolutely no background in programming or computer science. But after learning the basics of Swift, it was not that difficult to gather more and more ideas into this project, and to make it work. I am still learning the basics, honestly, but I think making an app is worth a try for everyone.

Great job Gavin!

Learn more about Roadtripr:

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Comments (1)

Is it possible to update the app so that it works in landscape mode? It looks absolutely beautiful in portrait mode on my iPad however it has become habit, as a result of using music apps, to orient the iPad in landscape mode exclusively.

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