DrumKnee 3D is an iPhone/iPad app built with AudioKit that lets you play drums with your foot!
DrumKnee 3D Features:
- Play, record and share your songs with the community and friends.
- You get to play the bass drum with your foot. That’s right, just rest the iPhone/iPad on your knee and kick it. Of course, you can also play it old school with your fingers only.
- Low latency response. The delay between your tap on the screen and the drum sound is incredibly low
- You can choke all cymbals so your groove will sound extremely realistic
- Full mixing power to customize the drum kit sounds
- Metronome
You get to play the bass drum with your foot. That’s right, rest the iPhone/iPad on your knee and kick it!
Congratulations on the app, Paulo!
DrumKnee 3D is available now and free: