Office Hours

15 Feb: Office Hours Recap #6 & 7: Sequencer Issues, AVAudioSession, and More

AudioKit Office Hours 7: Matt Howell presents Sequencer issues and potential fixes. The founder of AudioKit, Aure Prochazka, is hosting weekly office hours where he’s doing…

05 Feb: AudioKit Office Hours Recap #5: Making Dynamic Oscillators Thread Safe

Office Hours #5 covered making dynamic oscillators thread safe. You can find all the office hours recorded on Aure’s Youtube channel. Aure Prochazka, founder of AudioKit,…

29 Jan: AudioKit Office Hours Recap of #4: Cookbook Additions & Thread Safety

Office Hours #4 featured new additions to the AudioKit CookBook and special guest appearance by Taylor Holliday, creator of Audulus (video above). Aure Prochazka, founder of AudioKit,…

14 Jan: AudioKit Office Hours Announced! Learn to make apps…

In 2021, Aure Prochazka (founder of AudioKit) is hosting weekly office hours with unrehearsed, unscripted coding sessions on various AudioKit topics. Each session is recorded and…