We received a lovely note from Omar Peracha.
He’s a musician who learned AudioKit to make an app.
Great job, Omar!
“I wanted to take a moment to show some appreciation for your framework. I’m not a very experienced programmer, at best I’m a ‘musician who codes’ above anything else – but AudioKit’s simplicity, as well as free availability, has allowed me to pursue the realization of ideas and maybe even become better at coding with all the extra practice!'”
His release is already generating praise in the app store:

Mini Chamber:
Create complex harmonies and mesmerizing soundscapes using your voice, instrument or even the sounds around you. Mini Chamber interacts with your input in real time, allowing you to record your own ethereal musical creations or perform them live.
Create complex harmonies and mesmerizing soundscapes using your voice, instrument or even the sounds around you. Mini Chamber interacts with your input in real time, allowing you to record your own ethereal musical creations or perform them live.
“It feels less daunting to be able to work with audio so easily in Swift, so AudioKit really was the difference between my being a ‘musician who codes’ and a ‘musician who codes – and has some apps!’
Congratulations on the release, Omar!
Website: https://omarperacha.com/mini-chamber-app
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=1252168745&mt=8