Discover AudioKit 5

Build audio into your iOS, tvOS, and macOS apps today

Build native iPhone, iPad, and macOS apps with Xcode, Swift, and AudioKit. AudioKit allows you to use open-source and free tools to create pro apps.

While audio processing is done in lightning fast C and C++, the Swift code you will write is beautiful and expressive, like Swift!
Synthesizers, DSP, Audio Manipulation, and FX
Create sounds for your app, game, or music instrument with synthesizers, physical models, and sample and music playback operations.

Plus, process those sounds (or your own sounds) with effects, filters, delays, reverbs, and more. Immerse people in your app with effects.
Included examples range from Hello World to a fully developed virtual analog synth. 150+ Playgrounds and NEW AudioKit Cookbook serve as interactive tutorials.

Plus there are pre-made ready-to-use instruments, including players, rom-players, and synths in our github.

We Love AudioKit and You Might Too!

Explore Audio Programming


ake no mistake about it, we built AudioKit out of a deep love for sound and music, and huge amount of respect for people who make amazing audio apps. Our passion for creating the best possible environment for creating audio apps has led us to build a toolkit that excels on numerous fronts.

AudioKit: Powerful audio synthesis, processing, and analysis, without the steep learning curve.

AudioKit was built to be:

  • Easy-to-learn and understand
  • The quickest way to develop a real-world audio application
  • Powerful enough to enable your most ambitious ideas
  • Evolving and improving over time


Want to go straight to the code? Visit our Github


We are dedicated to building the most simple-to-learn, and yet most powerful iOS, MacOS, and tvOS toolkit for audio synthesis, processing and analysis.

AudioKit 4 uses native Xcode Swift Playgrounds to allow you to develop instruments in real-time with immediate audio feedback.
Powerful Sequencing
AudioKit now features a full MIDI Sequencer with EXS24 and SoundFont samplers which can be tied to your instruments for awesome, accurate playback.
Synthesizers, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), and FX
Create sounds with many synthesizers, physical models, and sample playback operations, and then process those sounds with effects, filters, delays, reverbs, and more.
Integration with Audio Engines
CoreAudio, AVAudioEngine, Synthesis Toolkit (STK) and Soundpipe/Sporth which includes code from Chuck, Csound, Faust, Guitarix, ToneStack...

“Blackbox sonic interfaces are proudly powered by AudioKit. They otherwise wouldn’t be possible.” 

— Ryan McLeod, 2017 Apple Design Award Winner

Sounds Great!
Where can I download AudioKit and learn more?


Visit our Downloads page to get easy-to-use zip files for the Playgrounds, Pre-compiled frameworks and operating system specific files. You’ll also find getting-started instructions along with details on using package managers and cloning the repo.

AudioKit Library ON GITHUB

Support open-source and please star us on Github. We’re honored to be on Github’s featured music and audio lists.

AudioKit Cookbook

Canonical Examples for Using the AudioKit 5 Swift Package
Most of the examples that were inside of AudioKit are now in this single iOS / macOS Catalyst application.


Playgrounds are a means to develop audio applications with immediate aural and visual feedback about what you are creating. Gone are the days of program-compile-listen-and-reprogram. Not only can you develop quickly, but you can stumble upon amazing sounds along the way.

Read the Manual

It’s more fun than it sounds. AudioKit comes with comprehensive documentation. Great for reference purposes if you’re the type that likes to dive in right away.

AudioKit on Stack Overflow

If you need support or have tech questions, the best thing to do is to post your question on StackOverflow and tag your post “AudioKit”. For those who are seriously working on apps, we have additional support platforms. P.S. Don’t forget to read the readme file.

AudioKit Tutorial: Getting Started

Check out the AudioKit intro on the Ray Wenderlich site. You’ll be taken on a fun and gentle journey through the framework via the history of sound synthesis and computer audio…


In 2021 Aure Prochazka (founder of AudioKit) is hosting weekly office hours where he’s doing unrehearsed, unscripted coding sessions on various AudioKit topics.

AudioKit CODE Releases

Keep track of updates and discover “What’s new” in the code. Check out the AudioKit releases page on Github. Please “Star” the repo. It helps raise awareness about AudioKit…

AudioKit 4 Details
Live Coding with Playgrounds There are over 150+ playgrounds included with AudioKit! The playgrounds include Basic Tutorials, Synthesis, Audio Playback, Effects, Filters, Analysis, and more…
Installation Extremely easy installation as a framework. Basically just drag the framework into your project. CocoaPods and Carthage are also both supported.
Examples Comes with 15+ simple Xcode project examples including: Filter Effects, Microphone Analysis, Particles, Sequencer Demo, MIDI Monitor, and more… Examples
Synthesizer Demo Code Analog Synth X is a simple Analog synth created in Swift by AudioKit’s own Matt Fecher and Aure Prochazka. AudioKit Synth One is a more advanced example.
Full AUv3 Plugin
Example Code
Sample/SFZ player and AUv3 Plug-in Example. Created with professors/producers at Morehouse college, this code powers award-winning apps like House: Mark I and more! Get the code
Sample Player Demo ROM Player is a simple sample player instrument by Matt Fecher. It’s the basis of several apps in the app store, including FM Player.
Audio Engine CoreAudio, AVAudioEngine, Synthesis Toolkit (STK) and Soundpipe/Sporth which includes code from Chuck, Csound, Faust, Guitarix, ToneStack. Basically, if is open-sourced we can include it. Email us!
Integration w/ Audio Tools AudioKit 4 attempts to be a cooperative member of any audio ecosystem. AudioKit’s nodes are just Audio Units themselves, so they can be dropped in to a signal chain as you wish. Any third party tool can be easily included in the signal chain as well.
Sequencing Sequencing is achieved through Apple’s CoreAudio sequencers, so it is quite powerful. There are few sequencing playgrounds and examples included to get you up to speed.
Testing AudioKit has both unit tests and continuous integration testing, described on the Tests page.
Docs and Tutorials Gorgeous docs generated by Jazzy. Playgrounds do a great job of replacing tutorials.
Graphing Plots of audio at any point in the signal chain.
Language Written in Swift with C/C++ underpinnings. The framework probably works fine with Objective-C projects, but we’re focussing on Swift from now on, because it rocks!
License MIT License. You are free to use AudioKit in your professional/commercial project.
DOWNLOAD AUDIOKIT, it’s Free and open-source.

Visit our Downloads page to get easy-to-use zip files for the Playgrounds, Pre-compiled frameworks and operating system specific files. You’ll also find getting-started instructions along with details on using package managers and cloning the repo.