Tize, full-featured beat making, built with AudioKit


Tize is an awesome, full-featured music creation app. It features drum pads, sampling, arrangement view, effects, and more. You can make a complete song without leaving the the app.

Robert Avellar, Tize’s lead developer, shared their app creation story with us.

Want to know how this app was made? Read on…



Robert started building Tize three years ago.

At the time, he started from scratch. No app development experience. No coding experience.

Robert bravely dove in.

Robert Avellar from TIZE

“I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Especially trying to write an audio app”, Robert joked.
(Making audio apps is one of the hardest forms of app development).

“The audio engine was written with Core Audio. That was a complete pain and mess especially trying to understand the callback’s pull method and remote IO. Uggghhh! I don’t even want to think about it, lol”.

As is common with new apps, they decided to re-engineer their project.

“Once we got designs, we decided to rewrite the app completely. At this time, I’ve done some research with AVAudioEngine. I figured it had enough to get the job done. Plus, it was a lot easier then maintaining our Core Audio engine.”

“AVAudioEngine made things easier. But, there were still lots of challenges and took a lot of time to get the Audio Engine right”, Robert said.

Robert explained that Tize is a side project, it has been a challenge to maintain, especially after iOS updates. Every year, Apple requires more and more from developers.

So, they were looking for a solution.

“I saw AudioKit and I’ve always been interested in it. The only problem was that Tize was built 100% in Objective-C and I knew nothing about Swift.”

And, rewriting their whole audio engine sounded like a long shot.

Robert thought it might be worth it.

“At some point our crash rate was just getting insane. So, I said F*** it!”

Robert decided to rewrite his whole audio engine with AudioKit.

“Less than a week later the new audio engine powered by AudioKit was done and in the app store. And, our crash free rate dramatically increased”, Robert explained.

“I went from taking a year to create an audio engine to less than a week with AudioKit!”

Robert explained, “I was surprised with how AudioKit fit right into my Objective-C project. How simple it was. How easy the code was to understand. The development community and documentation around the project was easy-to-use, yet advanced. You can literally do anything with AudioKit.

And, you can do it fast and easy. I will never in my life again create an iOS/MacOS audio app without AudioKit. I’m with AudioKiter 4 Life!”

Tize is available as a free download in the App Store:

Learn more at the Tize Music website.

Congratulations to Robert and his team on creating Tize. It’s excellent!

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